Poetry, Writing


Break ups are parallel to the aftermath of a death

People wish their condolences, slightly turn their head to the right
Ask if you’re okay with inevitable pity in their eyes. 

Some are truly sympathetic, while others are artificial 

They blindly follow the lines they were given to appear mannerly and thoughtful 

While the broken casualty deals with the sorrows and burdens they left behind

Others cope with the remembrance of their loved one  

They bask in their memory with a hard heart

They discard and wish away the worst memories and try to remain positive

Try to remain strong.  

Others simply cry and wish for them back

They scream at the top of their lungs into a mindless void and curse the unfairness of life

Behind a mountain of tissues and chocolates

They sob with a raspy voice about their battle plan to retrieve their lost one

But everyone knows their strategy will fail. 

Others get angry and throw themselves into danger

Trying to forget their sorrows and they sink into an unhealthy train wreck of denial

Because life just seems. So. Meaningless. 

Others aren’t fazed

Because they pretended they cared

But they don’t even show up to the funeral

Because they fooled everyone 

And continue to live life as if nothing has changed. 

Break ups are parallel to the aftermath of a death
